Student Wellbeing
Christ King Secondary School offers both Career Guidance and Wellbeing Support to students. Students can also avail of one to one appointments for wellbeing support and counselling. Students are referred to their relevant Guidance Counsellor by their Year Tutor, Deputy Principal or Principal.
The Wellbeing approach is based on the continuum support model which provides a framework for schools to enable them to identify and respond to students’ needs in a flexible way. This process is also supported through engagement with external professionals, as required.
Student Referral
Students can self-refer by speaking to a member of their relevant Pastoral Care Team: Class Teacher, Year Tutor, Deputy Principal or Principal, or speaking with their SPHE teacher during their SPHE weekly class.
Parental Referral
Parents can make referrals by contacting a member of their daughter's Pastoral CareTeam and requesting that their child be seen by a Guidance Counsellor. To provide an efficient referral process the most suitable member to address is your daughter's Year Tutor. The Guidance Counsellor work in close collaboration with parents of any student who is linking with them so that there is comprehensive support being given to students and parents.
Wellbeing Structure of Christ King Secondary School
Wellbeing Structure of Christ King Secondary School offers student support services within the school to address the emotional needs that young people can have in response to experiences such as family breakdown, bereavement, loss, family and peer relationship difficulties, anxiety and bullying. The Guidance Department also supports staff and parents in addressing these concerns.
The Guidance Counsellor Department consists of
Ms Therese McKeon Guidance Counsellor
Ms Suzanne Kelleher Guidance Counsellor
The guidance counsellors and the pastoral care team will offer support to students who are presenting with mild to moderate level of emotional distress that can be supported during school term. For students who present with moderate to severe emotional distress, that require more intensive work and out of school hours supports the student support services will provide recommendations, and referrals to appropriate agencies.
The Department of Education and Skills also provides National Educational Psychological Services (NEPS) to Christ King Secondary School. Access to the psychological service is administered through the Principal in consultation with Special Educational Needs Department and the student's relevant Guidance Counsellor. The support of NEPS is available on request but are limited.
The primary aim of the pastoral care structure of Christ King is to ensure a child is supported and learns the skills to address emotional challenges and stresses in life which develops emotional intelligence and that is an essential competency for life.