Board of Management
The Board of Management of Christ King Girls' Secondary School
The Board of Management (the Board) is a body corporate established by the Patron* under the Education Act 1998, which manages the school on behalf of the Patron and discharges the respective functions of the Board and of the school as these are set out in the Act.
Under to the Patron CEIST, the Board has charge of the overall management of the school. The Board is the employer of all staff at the school. Under the Board, the Principal has charge of the day-to-day management of the school.
The Board of Management as presently constituted took up office in October 2022. The following are the members of the Board:
Ms. Margaret McCormack, Chair (Nominee of the Patron*)
Dr. Niamh Dennehy (Nominee of the Patron*)
Mr. Pat Hurley (Nominee of the Patron*)
Mr. Cian Cotter B.L. (Nominee of the Patron*)
Ms. Maria O Callaghan (Nominee of the Teachers)
Ms. Aoife Ronan (Nominee of the Teachers)
Ms. Joanne Smith (Nominee of the Parents)
Mr. Trevor Kinch (Nominee of the Parents)
Ms. R. Long, the Principal, is ex officio Secretary to the Board
Agreed Reports of Christ King Secondary School Board of Management 2024-2025
One may contact the Board by writing to Ms. R. Long, Principal and Secretary to the Board, Christ King Girls’ Secondary School, Half Moon Lane, South Douglas Road, Cork.
Any correspondence for the Board must reach the Secretary a minimum of three days before the meeting.