School Uniform & Deportment
Students must come to school in full uniform, clean and tidy.
This means:
The official school uniform must be worn at all times – the uniform consists of:
School jacket (compulsory for all students)
Blue skirt or navy trousers – skirt to be knee length
Shirt (Blue for Junior Cycle, Striped for Senior Cycle
School jumper.
Black/Navy shoes with comfortable low heel. (2 inches or under)
Black/Navy opaque tights (black/navy socks).
All items of clothing to be purchased at Laura’s Boutique, Douglas
Any jacket including hoodies may not be worn in school and may not be substituted for the school jacket.
One pair of sleepers/stud earrings may be worn in the lower ear only. No other facial or oral piercings are allowed.
In the Junior School make-up is not allowed.
No extreme hair colours allowed. Only natural looking hair colour is allowed. Particular hair fashion trends may be deemed to be inappropriate for school.
Particular fashion trends may be deemed to be inappropriate for school by school management.
Each item of uniform should be clearly labelled with the student’s name
Full school uniform should be worn for all school related activities.
This is the uniform agreed to by parents, students and the school authorities.
The school image is a responsibility for all the school community.
Health and Safety of students is paramount.
Any deviation from the above may only take place with the prior approval of the Principal
Any deviation from the above may only take place with the prior approval of the Principal