School Policies & Reports
The school has a number of policies that form the core of its organisational framework.
The school in accordance with agreed procedures can amend and update policies to reflect legislative changes and other requirements that may necessitate change. While policies are being reviewed by our students, parents, teachers, special educational needs assistants and our Board of Management it is our practice to remove policies from our website. During this time policies are available from our school office at 021 496 1448 or email at admin@christkingschool.com.
This list is not exhaustive and is a representation of the policies operated by the school. Copies of the policies listed below are also available on request through the school office at 021 496 1448 or email admin@christkingschool.com
Anti-Bullying Policy 202Anti-Bullying Policy 20233
Child Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment Child Safeguarding DLP & DDLP
Student Council Policy 2023Student Council Policy 2023