Parents’ Council
Parents/Guardians are the primary educators of their children. Here in Christ King we value co-operation and regular contact with parents. We have an active Parents’ Council that meets regularly throughout the year. The Council provides that crucial link between parents and the school giving members the opportunity to keep abreast of school activities and developments. Membership is open to all parents/guardians by virtue of their daughter’s enrolemnt in the School. The Parents’ Council is the parent consultative body on the development of new policies and participates in fundraising activities which enhance the teaching and learning of the students.
Meetings take place regularly each half term on a Tuesday evening at 7:30 pm.
Meeting schedule is published to parents at the begining of the year in the Student Journal and included on our school calendar available on this website.
Parents Council Committee
The following are the elected officers of the Parents Council for 2024/2025 who can receive any items for AOB three days in advance of meetings via email at parentscouncil@christkingschool.com
Chairperson Sue Nelson
Committee Members Grace McLoughlin, Weina Huang and Auriol Kelly
School Policies
The Parents' Council is informed of new school policies made aware of policy review through parental email and by parental surveys.
Aims of the Parents' Association
Promote good communications between the school and parents/guardians.
Provide opportunities to raise issues of interest to parents/guardians and to get information from the school in response.
Assist in raising funds in order to improve the quality of the educational experience of our daughters in Christ King Secondary School.
Parent Council and Parental Information Meeting Schedule 2024 - 2025