Parental Feedback



To build and maintain relationships with parents, with other schools, and with the wider community

Statements of Highly Effective Practice

The principal builds and maintains constructive relationships through effective and regular communication with all school partners using a
range of media. He/she seeks and listens to the opinions of others and formally engages in very effective dialogue with partners.


Click here to view parental responses to communication

Formative Feedback


The teacher selects and uses planning, preparation and assessment practices that progress students’ learning

Statements of Highly Effective Practice

Teachers regularly provide students with constructive, developmental oral and written
feedback. Teachers use feedback to work with students on clear strategies for improvement.


Click here to view parental responses to the provision of formative feedback to students

Curriculum Review


School leaders manage the planning and implementation of the school curriculum

Statements of Highly Effective Practice

The board of management and the principal provide a broad and balanced curriculum, making deliberate and informed efforts to meet the needs of the students.

The principal and deputy principal work purposefully to ensure that all aspects of the
school curriculum are implemented in a way that provides all students with valuable learning experiences.


Click here to view parental responses to the review of the Transition Year Programme



To build and maintain relationships with parents, with other schools, and with the wider community

Statements of Highly Effective Practice

The principal and other leaders in the school value and support partnership with parents as a means of supporting students’ learning and wellbeing. They build and maintain very constructive relationships with parents.


Click here to view parental responses to wellbeing in our school

Remote Learning


Students engage purposefully in meaningful learning activities

Statements of Highly Effective Practice

Students demonstrate very high levels of interest and participation in learning.
They are able to work both independently and collaboratively in a very purposeful
and productive manner.

Students make meaningful and authentic connections between school-based learning and learning that takes place in other contexts.


Click here to view parental responses to the remote learning environment

We regularly survey our parent body on a variety of school-related themes to ensure that our parents' experience of school life is continuously considered and improved.

Using the Looking at Our Schools document as our guide, we continuously evaluate the standards identified and the statements of effective and highly effective practice in relation to teaching and learning and leadership in our school.