Christmas Activity

Over the last month, the school has been a hive of activity in preparation for Christmas…….

Our Junior Forum and Faith Leaders were busy preparing for the Christmas season and led the school community in prayer, reflecting on the significance of Advent.

Our Green School’s Committee organised a Christmas Jumper Day. This was great fun and we saw many imaginative and bright creations. Green Schools Committee members were happy to give their prizes to the winners of our Christmas Jumper Competition: Ms McGinley won the best “upcycled Christmas Jumper”, Ms McQuinn with her “Vintage jumper” & student Amy Clarke “Funniest Jumper”

Each yeargroup decorated their own social area with Christmas trees, lights and decorations which added wonderful Christmas cheer in the school building.

Food Appeal 2022: This year the school collected for Cork Penny Dinners. The non-perishable food that was collected will be distributed to people in Cork who need such support over the Christmas period. Boxes are at the crib for all contributions.

Our First Year students really got into the Christmas spirit today when they enjoyed a festive Christmas quiz, some Christmas treats, prizes and music. Thank you to our Student Council for organising this fun day for the First Year students.

Our Junior year groups participated in Secret Santa and exchanged their gifts this week.

First years completed their Christmas Scrunchies as part of Textiles Fashion & Design Unit of Learning. The students completed the task using the design brief process, demonstrating 3 important key skills from the JC: Being Creative, Managing information, Thinking & Communicating


Learning Leaders run lunchtime workshops


Personal Development Workshop