Catholic School’s Week

During Catholic School’s week, we were honoured to extend a very warm welcome to Bishop Fintan Gavin to our school for the very first time. Bishop Fintan Gavin was appointed to his role three years ago. We were also delighted to welcome our invited guests, Paul Kelly, Post-Primary diocesan coordinator and Sr Mary Dineen, one of our Presentation Sisters.

The student council welcomed the Bishop to the school by forming a Guard of Honour and our Head Girl, Cate Ahern and Deputy Head Girls Izabel Gough and Tara Lyons met him at the school entrance. The school orchestra played three beautiful pieces of music on his arrival into the school Assembly Hall which was followed by a prayer service and an address and question and answer session by the Bishop.

Bishop Fintan Gavin has a very strong educational background having previously served as a teacher. He is also committed to lifelong learning having completed a doctorate in canon law and speaking several languages fluently.

In his address to Junior and Senior students, Bishop Fintan Gavin asked the students to do three things:

  1. Believe in themselves

  2. Enjoy school

  3. Let Jesus be their best friend

Following his address to Junior students, Bishop Gavin blessed our beautiful prayer room in an intimate ceremony. Fr. Noel O’Sullivan joined us for the blessing.

We are very grateful to Bishop Fintan Gavin for taking time out of his very busy schedule to enlighten us with his wisdom and to share advice with our students. It is a day we will always remember.


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