Seasons for Growth

We run a grief/loss support programme for 2nd year, Transition year and Fifth year students who are living with the effects of change and loss. This progamme is designed to support small groups of students for blocks of 8 weeks at at time, students who are going through a difficult change in their lives. If your daughter has been impacted by a significant change in her life and you would feel that she would benefit from being part of this programme, please contact her class teacher or year tutor.

Many factors can cause change such as:

• Friends can come and go
• Loss of someone or something you love
• Parents and families separate
• Moving to a new place
• Impact of illness
• Family work-life changes


What is Seasons for Growth?


Seasons for Growth is a loss and grief peer-group education programme to support young people aged 5-19 years and adults who are affected by change, loss and grief. It was first delivered in 1996 and is well established in Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and the United Kingdom.

The Vision

A healthy society where grief and loss are recognised as a normal part of life and appropriate support is available to all.

Seasons for Growth is based on the belief that change, loss and grief are normal and valuable parts of life. It aims to produce a sense of resilience, personal growth and acceptance of change in people’s lives.

The children and young people’s programme deals with change, loss and grief associated with death, family breakdown, or any other form of separation.

The adult programme covers a much broader range of life changes such as unemployment, dislocation, dealing with disabilities, moving to a nursing home, or even suffering from the effects of natural catastrophes.


Why call it Seasons for Growth?


Grief is a bewildering experience and can take many forms. The seasons in nature represent change, with good days and bad days. They occur in a cycle which we cannot alter or prevent from happening. Accessible and easily understood, the metaphor of the natural seasons – autumn, winter, spring and summer – provide participants in our programmes with a language which helps them to understand and learn from their grief experience.


How is it delivered?


The Program is run over 8 sessions with small groups of 4-7 participants and is facilitated by trained teachers. The participants are provided with a safe space to learn, share and reflect and are supported by richly illustrated participant journals.




Seasons for Growth provides the support and space for children and young people to:
• Learn about how different people respond to change, loss and grief
• Understand that it is normal to experience a range of grief reactions
• Explore new approaches to dealing with change, loss and grief in their lives
• Build communication, decision making and problem solving skills
• Participate in a supportive network of peers and adults
• Integrate their new learning into their relationships with family, friends and others


Is Seasons for Growth Counselling?


Seasons for Growth is a group peer-support programme, rather than individual counselling.