Booklists 2023-2024

Booklists and Stationary 2023-2024

School Books Grant Scheme

The Dept. of Education & Skills allocates a grant to schools each year to enable us to give assistance towards the purchase of textbooks for families in financial need.

The level of assistance available depends on the number of students eligible for support and the amount of the grant which the school receives. As the funds available are extremely limited, we are asking families to return books in good condition (which are no longer required) at the end of the year. Please return books to the school office in a bag clearly marked with the student’s name and class.

Indications of inadequate financial means include:

  • Families dependent on social welfare

  • Families eligible for Family Income Supplement (FIS) or the Back to School Clothing and Footwear Scheme

  • Families experiencing financial hardship because of particular circumstances

(Note: Entitlement to a Medical Card does not necessarily indicate eligibility)

In order to enable the school to process the Book Grant in the fairest way possible, we request parents/guardians who fulfil the criteria above to complete the Book Grant Application Form before Friday 30th June 2023. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AFTER THIS DATE WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.

Please note that we cannot guarantee you will receive all your required books as it will be subject to demand.

Given the sensitivity of this issue, we want to assure you that all applications will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Yours sincerely,

Ms. R. Long