Overseas Learning Opportunities

Ski Trip

The 5th Year students take to the slopes every year during mid-term break


Hope Trip to Calcutta

Every year, a group of our 5th year students, together with two teachers fund-raise for the HOPE Foundation and go to Calcutta during February mid-term break. It is always a wonderful experience for the students who go.


City Tour

The 5th Year students are off to London at Easter Time to do sightseeing and go to see some shows on the West End.

Transition Year students are going to Paris for 5 nights during Easter break


French Exchange

Transition year students will spend a week in France. Each student will spend the week living with a French family where they will get a wonderful opportunity to experience French culture as well as developing their oral French. We have been running this exchange for over 20 years in the school and have established very strong links with Sans Sauveur school in Redon, Brittany. The French students also come to spend a week in Cork with us and attend school in Christ King.